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Environmental Printing Services

Embrace eco-friendly print solutions for your business needs.

Environmental statement

We prioritise sustainability by incorporating eco-friendly practices and materials into our print services. Learn more about our sustainability promise.
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Environmental Paper Stock Guide

Make an environmentally conscious choice. Discover a wide range of paper options crafted from responsibly managed forests and recycled materials.
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When you print with our Sustainable Green Print certified centres, you’re choosing a future-friendly path. Find your nearest sustainable printer.
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Sustainable print solutions

Balancing quality, cost, and environmental responsibility.

Balancing Budget and Environmental Commitment

At Kwik Kopy, we understand the growing need for businesses to consider environmental sustainability and their ecological footprint when planning yearly printing and marketing schedules.

We recognise that even the most environmentally conscious business operates within a budget. Our goal is to find the perfect balance between your printing needs, budget, and environmental commitment, allowing you to create high-quality marketing materials without compromising your values or finances.

The Business Case for Sustainability 

Environmental sustainability is something we should all strive for, and being aware of your impact on the environment is not just good for the earth, it’s good for business too. Being eco-friendly in your business practises will make your business more appealing to both customers and investors; in fact, a recent study surveying more than 53,000 consumers found that 58% consider whether or not a business has strong environmental values before deciding where to buy. So it makes good business sense to consider an eco-friendly approach to your marketing materials.

Understanding Eco-Friendly Print Options

Sustainable printing is not just about recycled vs non-recycled paper, there are other things to consider. Is the paper coming from sustainable forests? Which chemicals are used in the paper bleaching process? What are the environmental impacts of the companies which manufacture your paper products? There’s a lot to consider, but if you’re committed to reducing the carbon footprint of your business our friendly team can help you make the most environmental friendly choices for your budget.

For a more comprehensive look at our eco-friendly paper options you can see our eco paper guide, or you can give your local Kwik Kopy centre a call to talk through your options.

Fast Facts

There are two sides to paper and you should feel confident about using it. Paper is made from renewable resources, it is recyclable and reusable. Paper and print industry’s environmental credentials offer Australian companies one of the most sustainable ways to communicate.


Forests Doubled

Australia’s planted forests doubled in size from one million hectares in 1994 to two million hectares in 2010 (TSA, 2014).

E-billing not as effective

E-billing isn’t saving companies as much as they think. Natur-Energi saved 42.8% using paper billing over e-billing (VoPP, 2014)

Reading online uses more carbon

Reading news online for 30 minutes consumes 20% more carbon than reading a traditional newspaper (The Swedish Royal Institute of Tech, 2012).

Agricultural practices

According to the report by Voices of the Planet (VoPP) in 2014, approximately 90% of global deforestation can be attributed to unsustainable agricultural practices.

Australian rainforests absorb more gases

Australia’s forests absorb more greenhouse gases from the atmosphere than they release and therefore help to offset Australia’s contribution to global greenhouse gas

Paper has one of the lowest carbon footprints

Paper has one of the lowest carbon footprints on the planet with the industry only accounting for 1.1% of global greenhouse emissions. (WRI, 2009).

95% of Australians recycle

In 2012, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reported that an impressive 95% of households across Australia actively engage in recycling or reusing their paper products frequently

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