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B2BWhen it comes to B2B, your most important tool is your marketing database. Successful B2B marketing requires customer segmentation, in depth analytics and targeted communications – all of which are almost impossible without a robust B2B marketing database.

How does a B2B list differ from a consumer list? In consumer transactions, the buyer and the decision maker are usually the same person. But in business transactions there’s often an entire cast of people behind the scenes. Because of that, a B2B database will usually have much more complex information.

How to Get Contacts For Your List

There are a few different options available for sourcing information for your B2B marketing database, each with its own pros and cons:

Do-It-Yourself – Although it can be time consuming, creating your own list of contacts from the ground up can be a great way to build your database. The biggest reward is that you’re guaranteed that every piece of information in your database will be genuine and meet your exact specifications.

Outsource the List Building – Another alternative is to outsource the job of building your list from the ground up. This will save you time, but cost more money. On the plus side, you’ll be getting quality information, based on your own standards and specifications.

Buy a List – When it comes to quality information, purchased lists have quite a sketchy reputation and in this case, the saying ‘you get what you pay for’ can ring true. Expect to pay at least between .50c and $1.50 per contact or for a higher quality or more specialised list, up to around $3 per contact.

Rent a List – List rentals tend to have better quality information, because often the information is ‘curated’ by a trade publication or industry expert. Renting often allows you to access more targeted information, but since you’re only renting, you won’t have access to the list itself.

As with all marketing databases, the quality of your information is crucial, so choosing the right option for your business is a serious consideration. For help creating a B2B marketing database for your business, contact the team at your local Kwik Kopy today.

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