When it comes to learning how to write a great blog headline, there is no one size fits all solution. But follow a few simple rules and you will find yourself creating headlines that spark the curiosity of your readers and entice them to read on.
Did you know?
- 8 out of 10 people read headlines
- 2 out of 10 people read the rest
As you can see, many people stop at your headline and that is not good for business. You need to make sure you create compelling copy that aims to get each and every next sentence read. You want your customers and prospects to read your entire content so they reach that all important call to action and this means making sure your blog headline works!
3 Ways to Create Perfect Blog Headlines
- Make it short and sweet
Always remember that people simply scan headlines. Research shows that they take in the first and last three words, so the less you give them to look at – the higher your chances of actually getting them to read and (perhaps more importantly) absorb your message.
Quick tip: 6 words is the ideal length for a headline.
- Include numbers
In our time poor world, people are always looking for ways to increase their efficiency. Use numbers in your headline that show there are easy steps to follow in your blog and you’ll be on your way to a successful post.
Example: 10 ways to ABC OR 50 things to do and see in XYZ
- Personalise your message
Always look for ways to personalise your headlines. By adding that little bit extra that shows your post is offering information that meets individual needs, you will make your reader curious to read more.
Quick tip: Use sparingly or you run the risk of it losing its effectiveness if overused.
Plenty of blog headlines fail because the article itself doesn’t live up to expectations – so make sure your headline matches the content it represents.
For help getting your blog posts the attention they deserve, speak to the team at your local Kwik Kopy today.