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Customer loyalty ideasWith competitors only a click away it’s more important than ever to take care of your customers. The key is in delivering a great customer experience that makes people want to keep coming back for more. If you want to build repeat business for your brand then you need to find ways to reward customer loyalty. Let’s take a look at some of the top marketing ideas out there that can be tailored to meet any budget.

6 Ways to Reward Loyal Customers

  1. Be Memorable

Find different ways to ‘wow’ your customers and create memorable experiences for them. From a personalised note to thank them for their order to the all important follow up to check they were satisfied with their experience.

  1. Be a Good Listener

Show you’re listening, for example, if a customer tells a rep for your business that they’re keen to see a movie, why not send them some free tickets.  It’s all about looking for ways to add that element of surprise.

  1. Create a Community

Organise events where customers can learn about new products and share stories and experiences. Use social media such as a local business Facebook page to give exclusive discounts and special offers or team up with another local business for cross promotion of events and to offer reciprocal discounts.

  1. Encourage Feedback

Use customer surveys to find out what existing customers think of your business and respond to everyone either to thank them for their participation or to follow up on issues that need to be resolved. Nothing inspires loyalty more than customers who know that a business really cares about what they have to say.

  1. Offer Exclusive Trials

Invite existing customers to trial new products and services and provide you with feedback before you launch it to the marketplace. It’s a good way to create a sense of ownership amongst your existing customers and hopefully lead to some positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

  1. Celebrate Recommendations

Offer discounts and incentive gifts to existing customers for any new referrals they introduce to your business. It’s not only a great way to reward customer loyalty but also helps you build business by giving existing fans of your brand a reason to recommend you to others. 

To discuss more ways to build customer loyalty for your business, speak to the team at your local Kwik Kopy today.

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