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When you bring your colour digital artwork to a Kwik Kopy Centre, you should be aware of some issues that may arise in the printing process. Some colours may not meet your expectations. While every effort is made to print your digital artwork as accurately as possible, sometimes issues outside Kwik Kopy’s control may affect the look of the final print result.

Why is this?
Toner colours

Colour printers use a combination of cyan, magenta, yellow and black toner to create colours. If your file uses CMYK to create colour you will get a good result.

Screen colours

All computer screens use a combination of red, green and blue (RGB) to create colours. If your file uses RGB it has to be converted to CMYK when the file is printed. This is because colour printers use a combination of CMYK toner to create colours. This process can cause the colour to shift and may give an unsatisfactory result.


Software controls the mixing of colours and some software is more suitable for colour control than others. If you want greater control over colour, you must use software that can reproduce in CMYK, such as Indesign, Quark, Illustrator, Photoshop or CorelDraw. Microsoft Word, Powerpoint & Excel have limited control over colour and should not be used when colour is critical.

What you can do

Inform Kwik Kopy of what software program has been used to create the file. Let them know before the job is printed how critical colour accuracy is.

What we can do

Our graphic designers can design the job for you using the most appropriate software and provide you with a colour proof for sign-off prior to printing. They can also advise you of the cost and time to manually convert an RGB file to CMYK.

For more handy design and printing tips, head to your nearest Kwik Kopy Centre.

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