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When it comes to choosing a colour for your business branding, it helps to have a little insider knowledge about what colours represent and the feelings and impressions that they can evoke in your customers.

Most of us got some basic training from an early age about what different colours ‘mean’ while drawing pictures of the world around us. For example, yellow is the colour most associated with sunshine, warmth and friendliness.

Everyone has a favourite colour that evokes good times or reflects an ideal personality. Like all the elements of your brand, the colours you choose for your business need to do more than reflect your own personality – they also need to resonate with your customers.

Fortunately colour has been heavily researched by professional designers in all kinds of fields, from fashion to floristry, architecture and graphic design. The common perceptions of what individual colours communicate tend to be fairly similar across demographics and cultures, though the appeal of those messages varies widely, reflecting the trends of the time.

Your designer should be well versed in the impressions conveyed by different colours and colour combinations or palettes, as colour theory is an important part of his or her professional training. Likewise, creative people are naturally curious about changing trends.

Here is a run-down of what different colours communicate:


To speak to a colour expert about your brand identity, contact the experienced team at Kwik Kopy today – locate your nearest Centre.

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