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PenWhether you’ve been naughty or nice this year, we think this is something that is going to make it onto plenty of Christmas lists.

The N2 Smartpen aims to be the only pen you’ll ever need. It works just like a traditional pen – the only (huge) difference is that it’s actually storing every stroke, sketch, word and letter you write down.

How an Innovative Ballpoint Pen Bridges the Gap between Print & Digital

  • The pen turns on with a tap of the point and begins recording at the very moment you start to write or draw.
  • You don’t need your pen to be connected to any other device until you’re ready to view, download and review your notes.
  • Notes are easily searchable as your handwritten notes can be transcribed digitally using something termed handwriting recognition.
  • Synchronised recording is another cool feature that lets users record their voice while writing and then replay their note and audio simultaneously.

The N2 Smartpen also delivers a great writing experience. It’s the slimmest optical pen on the market measuring just over a centimetre diameter and at just over 15cm in length making it similar to an average sized standard ballpoint pen. It can also store up to 1000 pages at a time.

The future is bright! The company behind this device seem to have really thought about how people will want to use the N2 Smartpen. Users can easily export to Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, create PDFs or sync to Evernote using the free N2 smartphone app (Windows, Android and IOS). Emailing your notes is also an option.

We feel confident that lost work will be a thing of the past and that designers and tech geeks right across the globe will rejoice in all they can accomplish with this technology!

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