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GoogleHangoutsGoogle Hangouts is rapidly gaining popularity as an online communication channel and can be an extremely useful tool for small business.  Hangouts allows you to have a group conversation, video calls, share your screen, capture and send photos as well as send messages and emojis.

It’s available in Gmail, Google+, on your Android device or iOS and as a Chrome extension, so you can stay connected whether you’re in the office or on the go. Hangouts are also synced automatically, which means you can start a Hangout on one device and keep it going on another. If you’re a small business, here are a few tips to help make your Google Hangouts experience easy and effective.

Why Google Hangouts Can Be Good For Business

Make video calls

You can’t beat face-to- face communication and Hangout lets you hold a live video call with up to 10 colleagues (customers, suppliers or prospects).  It’s a great way to see everyone’s reaction live as you discuss business, view presentations and/or share the latest news and announcements. If someone isn’t available, Hangouts will send a missed call notification so the person can call you back.

Create content

Google Hangouts is also an effective way to create your own unique content to further promote your business. Use it to promote yourself and your business by sharing valuable information and demonstrating your expertise with customers. Hit the ‘broadcast’ button on your Hangout and your Google+ connections can watch your video live on your Google+ page. As an added bonus, your video will also be posted to your YouTube account so you can keep the promotion going long after your Hangout.

Cool Features

Instant messaging

When on a video call or group chat, you have the option to open up a chat box to send private messages to any of the participants. It will be kept private at all times with only you and the recipient being able to view your message.

Share your screen

You can share your screen with everyone on the call and you can even inject a bit of fun by adding sunglasses or hats to your head.

Send and receive messages

Google Hangouts offers more than 800 emoji to choose from, so you can make your messages come alive by including one that exactly fits your mood.

Quick Tips

You can use your keyboard shortcuts to give you access to plenty of commands or take various actions when on video calls or whilst instant messaging:

  • To see a full list of shortcuts available press Shift + ?
  • Print out the page of shortcuts and use it as a cheat sheet for every call.
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