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Proof reading checklistProofreading is essential before any anything representing your brand is seen in print. And we’re not just talking typos – the online world has given us plenty more things to think about before we publish. Running spell-check or relying on your designer is not always going to do the trick. But by following this simple check-list, you should achieve your desired end-result.

Top 5 Proofreading Tips for Printed Material


Make sure your copy is aligned with your overall brand tone. For example, if your business is upbeat and encouraging then the last thing you want is copy that is serious and formal in its approach.

Brand Positioning

Make sure your copy reflects your brand positioning and the products and services you offer the marketplace. You also need to make sure that it is suited for your audience needs.

Data and Image Attributions

Information is all around us and even with the best intentions, it’s pretty easy to see something on a website and make the content your own. If you’ve taken content from another source, it’s important to acknowledge this by citing any external data and images in your posts.


There is nothing worse than clicking a link to find it doesn’t work or takes you to the wrong spot. Make sure this doesn’t happen to you by making sure all the links you include actually work and direct someone to exactly where they need to be. It always helps to have someone double check your work! Ask someone who has yet to see the email or website to double-check all the links work correctly.

Style Guide Consistency

Sticking to your company’s style guide might seem like a small thing, but not following it makes a piece of copy feel out of place compared to the rest of your work.

Of course, you will still need to cast your eye over grammar and spelling. This includes making sure you’re using the country-specific spelling of words. It’s also worth doing a final check to ensure there is a logical flow to your copy and images.

At the end of the day, we’re all human and mistakes do happen. But by following these tips you will definitely be on your way to getting your proofreading down pat and creating a great impression for your business and brand!

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