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Printed posters are a great way to gain attention for your business as well as effectively promote your brand. Best of all, posters can be used to anytime and anywhere not to mention seen by just about anyone. Whether you strategically locate them to reach a particular target audience with a promotional message or sale, or display them everywhere to introduce your company, posters are a worthwhile investment. Let’s take a closer look at why printed posters should be part of your marketing mix.

3 Reasons your marketing mix should include posters

  1. Posters Reach Targets

A great advantage of printed posters as a marketing tool is that people looking at your poster are already actively engaging with their surroundings, such as commuters standing at a bus stop or train station. Take advantage of the fact they’re likely to notice your posters (even if it is out of sheer boredom) and include a call-to-action that prompts them to act, for example, by visiting your website or making a phone call.

  1. Posters Increase Brand Visibility

Posters of all sizes can be a great way to make your brand the centre of attention using imagery to ensure your branding and promotional messages stay in the minds of your targets long after they’ve taken a look at your poster. Remember, you don’t have to limit yourself to one poster to get your brand noticed, as businesses have been known to display the same poster in an entire row (e.g. lining a subway or even a cafe) to great effect.

  1. Posters are Cost Effective

The great news for your business budget is that posters offer a cost-effective promotional tool that gives you plenty of bang for your marketing buck. Here at Kwik Kopy we can streamline the entire creative process by taking care of the design, copy and printing of your poster. Whether you want to use a poster distributor or keep costs down by hanging them yourself, posters are an effective way to get your message across to your target audience.

For posters that gets results for your business, speak to the large format experts at your local Kwik Kopy today.

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