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Most people have heard the story about how the adhesive on the back of Post-it Notes was discovered by accident, but you may not know that the idea of the post-it note was shot down by 3M executives as non-marketable for five whole years before they finally went ahead with initial production.

In fact, it was a total of 12 years from the discovery of the now infamous adhesive before the Post-it Note as we know it was available for sale.

In the first year of production, they sold more than 50 million units. Today the humble Post-it Note is one of the top 5 best selling office supply products in the world with over 6 billion units sold annually.

From phone messages to reminders, sticky notes have a hundred different uses within the office environment.  Most valuable of all is the ability to keep us organised.

So How Can Sticky Notes Help You Stay Organised?

1. Colour Coding 

The range of colours available in the sticky note range allows you to create a colour code to help you categorise tasks. You can allocate a colour to each project you’re handling, or allocate colours based on order of priority. Colour coding lets you see at a glance what is required on any day or week.

2. The To-Do Pile

A great alternative to the daunting to-do list. The to-do pile allows you to work through your list of priorities in order of importance, without getting sidetracked by other duties, or feeling overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done. When your item’s complete, simply peel off the top sticky note to reveal the next task you need to tackle.

3. Moveable Tasks

Great for those clients who reschedule meetings, or for tasks that always seem to get pushed back. Using sticky notes in your planner, allows you to move things around easily without ending up with a page full of crossed out meetings.

Custom sticky notes

branded custom sticky notes

These days, sticky notes are available in all sorts of shapes and sizes! Branded sticky notes make a great giveaway for your business. Not only are they a useful tool, they serve as a constant reminder of your brand.

To learn more about branded sticky notes, talk to your local Kwik Kopy today.

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