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direct mailCatalogues and flyers as well as personalised direct mail are proving to be the preferred promotional channel amongst consumers. You may be surprised to learn that these tangible channels are considered so credible, particularly at a time when digital communications enjoys such popularity.

This find is the result of a recent study conducted by the ADMA (Association for Data-driven Marketing and Advertising) on behalf of Australia Post.  9000 consumers were surveyed to find out which channel they regarded as the most effective for marketing messages.  

The research looked at the traditional and emerging communications channels available to individuals and businesses today.  Specifically, finding out the most effective channels for promotional messages and which channels consumers are finding useful when interacting with businesses.

Perhaps what no-one was expecting was for catalogues and flyers to take out the number one position and rank so convincingly ahead of television, print media and radio. Or that personalised direct mail (number five on the Top 10 list) would take the lead over email marketing (which at number six is the first digital channel to appear in the Top 10 effectiveness rankings). So what are the reasons behind this?

Catalogues & Flyers

Australian love catalogues!  It’s an interesting fact that not only Australians who feel favourably towards advertising in general feel positive about this channel, but those who claim to dislike advertising still think catalogues and flyers are effective.

Respondents who consider catalogues and flyers to be effective marketing and promotional channels claim they are:

  • Easier to refer to later
  • Often informative
  • Easier to understand.

Such attributes reflect the tangible nature of print, as well as the fact that recipients can take their time absorbing catalogue and flyer content. They can also keep them on hand for future reference or even take them along when they visit the store.

Personalised Direct Mail

Australian consumers also ranked personalised direct mail as the fifth most effective advertising channel. Personalised direct mail has two of the top three characteristics of the top rated catalogues and flyers. They are tangible and easy to take with you, to show to others or to file. An added bonus of direct mail is that it can also be personalised – tailoring your message to the recipient.

Why print is important to your business

*The survey results are evidence that print should form an integral part of any multi-channel communication plan. In fact, all demographics agreed that ‘traditional channels’ are the most effective advertising and promotional media.  However, current marketing spend doesn’t match the consumer channel preferences reported. In fact, the past year has seen a considerable drop in investment when it comes to catalogues, flyers and direct mail.

There is no doubt that consumers are in control, with a smorgasbord of online and offline channels and to choose from, leaving marketers in hot pursuit. True customer-centric marketing can only be achieved if the customer is front and centre.  We are no longer in a world of ‘one size fits all’ – we have to understand which channels are appropriate for different message types.

Remember – every customer is unique so the key to successful marketing is to treat them as such and deliver on their needs and expectations!

If you’re a business who isn’t currently using or considering catalogues, flyers and personalised direct mail as part of your marketing mix, then you could be missing out on an opportunity to connect with different target audiences along the path to purchase. To create a successful print campaign for your business speak to the team at Kwik Kopy today.

* Source: Creating connections that matter: How Australians want to hear from their brands. Published by ADMA (Association of Data-driven Marketing and Advertising) on behalf of Australia Post.

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