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Planning your events and conferencesEvery day businesses are looking for ways to connect with customers and new prospects in a way that gives them a point of difference from the competition. Hosting a company event either in-store or off-site can be an effective way to build relationships with your target audience. In spite of living in a digital age, people continue to value the opportunity to have face-to-face contact

4 tips for successful event planning

It’s important to make sure that customers feel valued and the events they attend are worth their while. With careful planning and attention to detail, businesses can reap the rewards from hosting customer events, conferences or exhibiting at trade shows. Here are some tips to ensure you provide the relevance and value customers are looking for.

1. Do your homework

If you want to find out what customers want, then who better to ask than your existing customer base? They will prove to be an invaluable resource when it comes to letting you know exactly what customers want, helping you work out your target audience and the type of events that would appeal to them. It’s also worth looking at what’s happening in your community – the type of things other businesses in the area are doing and the events that are proving popular.

2. Set realistic goals

Think about your reasons for holding an event and why you believe your intended guest list will want to attend. Do you want to raise brand awareness, increase sales by X%, obtain more contacts – or all of the above. Try answering the ‘what’s in it for them’ question. It will help you develop a clear idea of the value you’re delivering to your target audience on the day. Set goals that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely) to ensure this is the right marketing approach for your business.

3. Think about your audience

If you want to make a connection with your target market and truly engage people with your brand, then think about things from your audience perspective at every stage of your event planning. From the venue you choose through to the type of exhibit and itinerary, presentation material, product demos, speakers, refreshments, marketing collateral – everything should be aimed at engaging people and creating an opportunity to build relationships longer-term.

4. Increase customer interaction

Your event is just the first step to building lasting customer relationships. Look for ways to continue to interact with customers and potential leads. Use your business function as an opportunity to generate plenty of content on the night and post-event. Hire an event photographer so that you have plenty of images and footage to feature. Encourage people to sign up to your company newsletter on your website and connect on social media. Gather feedback from attendees to give you further insight into what people want. This way you’ll get to create blog posts and tailor content that meets the specific needs of your customers. It’s all about finding ways to continue the conversation long after your event is over.


Plan your next event with Kwik Kopy

Let our team put the impact into your next event with customised signage and display printing. We have a huge range of print products that can be tailored to transform your rooms and create a professional and impactful presentation.

We can work with you to really WOW your guests and visitors by supplying you with all your conference printed items – from promotional products such as t-shirts and pens to large banners, posters, media walls and pop-up displays.

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