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marketing-campaign-octoberSeasonal marketing gives businesses the perfect opportunity to showcase some creative flair and capture the attention of your target audience with some fresh ideas and eye catching promotions.

From your online presence through to your print marketing collateral, customers and prospects are drawn to seasonal marketing promotions and events. They are far more likely to want to do business with you when you have something new and exciting to offer in your approach.

Let’s take a closer look at how to make the most of special occasions, seasonal events and holidays.

5 Valuable Seasonal Marketing Tips

  1. It’s All in the Planning

It’s always smart to have a plan and if you want to stay ahead of the competition then make sure you start early. Set a promotional calendar and map out all the key dates and seasonal events that create an opportunity for your business.

  1. Set your Goals Early

Stand out from the crowd by taking advantage of seasonality and boost sales by getting in early e.g. a pre-Christmas sale or an incentive that appeals to your targets’ New Year’s resolutions.  Take note of what works for your business so that you can recycle your best performing promotions.

  1. Add Seasonal Images to your Website

christmas-campaign-marketing-tagsAdd a festive image in the lead up to Christmas or a beach image to highlight summer fun. All it takes is a few tweaks to your website design and/or images to promote seasonality and show your customers that you have something new on offer that is worth taking notice of (think Google Doodles!).

  1. Monitor the Competition

Check out what your competitors are doing and what has worked well for them in the past. Rather than reinvent the wheel, be inspired by what you’ve seen done successfully and modify a seasonal marketing strategy, promotional messaging etc. to be the right fit for your business.

  1. Invest in your Future

If seasonal marketing is suited to your business, then it’s worth investing in some great design to help you build up reusable materials that can be used for seasonal campaigns time and time again. Print collateral, web pages, social media posts, direct mail, e-newsletters can all be developed as assets that are reused for your seasonal campaigns.

The festive season is a great time to connect with customers, prospects and suppliers as well as showcase your brand. Speak to your local Kwik Kopy for seasonal marketing ideas that contribute to your business success and help you stay top of mind well into the New Year.


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