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RecommendationA customer recommendation can help fast track awareness and credibility of your brand in the marketplace. In fact, customer recommendations can be one of your most effective marketing tools – and best of all, they don’t cost you a cent.

Each time you work with a customer and see they’re happy with the product or service you have delivered, ask them for a recommendation. It’s far more effective for your company to be endorsed by someone who is happy to include their name, job title and company than a list of anonymous comments.  If you’re feeling really creative, think about filming a video testimonial from your customer for maximum impact.

Your LinkedIn profile also offers an easy way to reach out to a list of contacts. But don’t just wait for them to click on endorsements for some skill you may (or may not) have.  Be proactive in asking for a written recommendation. Be bold in your request, send them some examples of the type of recommendation you’re after and give them a deadline you’re hoping to receive it by.

Keeping it REAL

The whole point of gathering customer feedback to feature as a recommendation is to showcase your credibility a great reputation to prospects with no prior knowledge of your business. So remember to keep your customer recommendations real at all times:

REAL people

Let genuine feedback shine in your recommendations. Don’t worry about things being grammatically perfect, it’s far more credible to sound like a real person using their own words.

REAL opinions

Feature recommendations that show the customer coming across as honest and unscripted and encourage them to put their names to their recommendation so they are identifiable to others.

REAL focus

Gather a range of testimonials focusing on one aspect of your service or product from your range each time, rather than just a sweeping statement about your company.

Once you’ve gathered your customer recommendations, don’t be afraid to spread the word to help grow your business. This means featuring them in marketing collateral, print materials, your website and social media (don’t forget to ask for permission)!

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