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Did you know that 66% of emails are opened on mobile devices? What’s more 70% of people will delete your email if it doesn’t contain a message that instantly resonates with them and 75% of people who receive your emails will simply press delete if it isn’t optimised for mobile. Here are our top tips to help you get higher email open rates on mobile.

5 Top Tips to get Higher Email Open Rates on Mobile

  1. Get the Look and Feel Just Right

It takes just 3 seconds for someone to decide whether to read or ignore your email so it’s important to get the look and feel of your email marketing just right so that you make an immediate good impression. Bright colours that complement your branding, body copy size of 14 point and a headline of 22 point all help with visual appeal. Single column layout works well and if you are sharing multiple links then they need to be separate to make it easy to access. Mobile is all about the finger tap so email tabs, buttons and white spaces must all be set up to complement this.

  1. Focus on Short Headlines

If you want to achieve higher open rates from mobile devices then make sure you streamline words and create short, attention grabbing stories that the reader can easily scan. Studies show that 20% of email recipients believe that a good subject line is all it takes to make them open and read an email. So for maximum effect include catchy subject lines that clearly explain your chosen topic and try using bright images to really enhance your message.

  1. Include One Call to Action per Email

When you send out an email blast you want your customers and prospects to find out more about your business and make a connection with you. To make this happen you need to include a good call to action which means making it bold and clear, redirecting your targets to one location and for maximum impact – place your call to action on the left with a (at the very minimum) size of 40 x 40 pixels.

  1. Be Mobile Compatible

If you want your emails to be effective on mobile devices then make sure you implement email marketing best practices every time.  First of all make sure your emails are set up to be compatible with mobile devices and set up to work effectively on all operating systems such as iOS, Android and Windows. Remember, less is more when it comes to email marketing campaigns so whilst it’s fine to talk about your product or service, be concise and get straight to the point.

  1. Track your results for email open rates

It’s important to understand email analytics to monitor the effectiveness of your email campaigns. When it comes to reaching customers on the go, identify basic metrics and make sure you track your email open and click rates so that you get a good insight into which emails are working on mobile devices. Finally, remember to preview your email before you send it so that you can ensure it will have maximum impact on your target mobile audience.

For help creating easy to navigate, mobile-friendly emails that capture the attention of your target market, speak to the team at your local Kwik Kopy today.

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