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ContentmarketingIt’s no secret that content marketing is all the rage and that every business needs to find ways of providing great quality and (not to mention) relevant content that each customer wants to know about and will find useful to their needs.

Where things get tricky is that content marketing involves plenty of jargon – and that can be confusing for anyone.

So if you’re keen to stay ahead of the game and make sure you make sense to your customers – check out our top 10 content marketing terms (aka jargon)…

Content Marketing Terms Every Small Business Should Know

1. Content Management System (CMS) – The system your business will use to manage and publish content to your company’s website.

2. Bounce Rate – The percentage of visitors who only visit one page of your website and then leave immediately.

3. Call-to-Action (CTA) – A text link, button or image that encourages your web visitors to click.

4. Click-Through Rate (CTR) – A metric used for CTAs and emails to measure the number of people who click on your links, images, or anything that leads to your web page, landing page or offer (helps gauge how well a CTA is attracting clicks).

5. Conversion – The act of converting a website visitor into a customer, or taking each visitor a step closer to a customer acquisition e.g. completing a form on your landing page, subscribing or checking out of a shopping cart.

6. Demand Generation – Targeted marketing programs focused on driving awareness and interest in your business’ content, products and/or services.

7. Inbound Marketing – A marketing method that focuses on getting found by new visitors, converting traffic into leads, analysing performance and nurturing these leads to customers.

8. Lead Nurturing Campaign – A series of automated emails, SMSs, direct mail pieces or other forms of communication that can be triggered after someone fills out a form on a landing page or takes an online action. Also referred to as a drip campaign.

9. Premium Content – Content that is valuable and relevant to your target audience – also known as advanced or high-impact content – such as –  eBooks, guides and videos.

10. Unique Visitor – A website visitor who is only counted once, even if that visitor visited many times during a specified timeframe, based on the IP address.

For more advice on content marketing (or how to become fluent in content marketing speak), contact the team at your local Kwik Kopy today!

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