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SocialmediafollowersSocial media is here to stay – and if you’re a small business owner you need to be on it!

You see – social media is a great way to gain brand exposure, connect with your audience and turn everyday customers into loyal fans. But it’s not as easy as simply signing up to Facebook – you need to have a strategy.

5 Ways to Gain Long Term Followers on Social Media

1. Be Consistent

When it comes to keeping your audience engaged – a consistent posting strategy is the key to success. Out of sight is out of mind, so if your business Facebook or Twitter account goes too long without posting, it’s highly likely that users will forget who you are.

2. Choose the Right Platform

Not all social media platforms will suit your brand, so rather than trying to use them all, pick a few that are a good fit for your brand and take it from there. For example, Instagram and Pinterest are excellent if you have lots of photos and visual aids. LinkedIn is great for longer, more professional content – while Twitter works better with short and snappy wordplay.

3. Engage Your Audience

It’s not enough just to shout out into the void and expect people to follow you. To get an engaged audience you need to be a responsive brand. Respond to customer enquiries in a timely manner (the quicker the better!) – and don’t limit your contact to just business topics.

4. Use a Scheduler

Using a scheduler like Buffer or Hootsuite will allow you to schedule content in advance. This means you won’t inundate followers with posts while you’re online, only to leave them in silence for hours or days at a time.

5. Be Generous

Everyone loves a freebie! Hosting competitions on your social media channels is a great way to build brand loyalty and increase customer engagement.

For help creating the right social media strategy for your small business, speak to the team at your local Kwik Kopy today.

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