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readersCreating a great blog as part of your business content marketing strategy is a great start, but it’s only part of your battle. Your next step is all about getting readers to come to the website, and then – even more difficult – getting them to come back time and time again!

Luckily, in our increasingly connected world, there are lots of ways to reach out to your audience. It’s a matter of finding a way in. And while getting customers to follow along on your social media channels is a great way to connect, your best bet is to get their email address so that you can contact them directly.

3 Ways to Get Readers to Return to Your Website

1. Be Direct

Getting your audience to sign up for your mailing list could actually be as easy as – asking them to sign up for your mailing list. If your content is great, chances are they’ll want more of it and unless you add a clear and direct call to action – they might not even realise the option is available to them.

2. Be Generous

A great way to convince your audience to give you their email address is to give them something worthwhile in return. Consider offering to email them an eBook, tutorial, or audio guide – make it sound like it’s something they can’t do without, and you could find your visitors signing up in droves. Then, once you have their address, you can send them teaser emails every time you publish a post.

3. Be Flexible

While getting an email address should be a priority, try not to get so caught up in that goal that you lose out on other avenues to access your audience. Make sure you give people the option of signing up to follow you on Facebook or Twitter and of course, remind them to share your new content with their friends.

For help creating content that your audience is going to love, speak to the team at your local Kwik Kopy today.

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