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NY resolutionsThe New Year is a wonderful time to take stock of your business, make a fresh new start and set some new goals. Whether you want to improve aspects of your business that you had trouble with last year, or branch out into entirely new territory, New Year’s resolutions are a great way to start the year focused on what you hope to achieve.

Five New Year’s Resolutions for Your Small Business

1.       Go Mobile

If you truly want to be competitive in today’s marketplace then a mobile optimised website should be the top of your to-do list. Businesses with mobile friendly content see significant increases in sales, customer retention and customer satisfaction. 

2.       Leverage Technology to Save Time & Money

Consider upgrading to a Web2Print solution to save money on your printing needs, download some productivity apps to help you be more organised, or incorporate QR codes into your marketing materials to increase engagement with your customers. Technology is changing the face of small business. Take advantage of it. 

3.       Double Check Your Keywords

In order to have a strong online presence you need to have strong keywords, but the keywords that worked for you this time last year might not be working for you now. Analyse your target audience’s search habits and your website data to ensure your keywords are a strong as they should be. 

4.       Refresh Your Display Materials 

Maybe you need to revamp the actual design of the materials, or maybe it’s just a matter of materials looking tired or dated. Either way, updating your display materials can give your business a new lease on life. 

5.       Try Something New in Social Media 

Perhaps this means finally making the commitment to make Facebook a priority, or maybe you want to branch out into new social media platforms after a successful year on just one or two. Social media is a valuable small business tool that should not be overlooked.

If you need help making any of your business resolutions a reality in 2014, contact the team at Kwik Kopy today. 

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