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online reputationWith the advent of social media, ‘word of mouth’ is more powerful than it has ever been. What customers are saying about you now has a wider reach than ever before. It’s possible to build huge brand recognition overnight through the ‘sharing’ power of social media, but that also means that it’s possible to derail your business reputation just as quickly.

So how can you monitor your online reputation?

3 Ways to Track Your Online Reputation

1. Google Yourself

Search manually, or set up Google alerts for your business name, your products, even your high profile staff members so that any time someone writes about your business you’re among the first to know about it. This will help you to stay ahead of any ‘bad press’ so that you don’t get blindsided.

2. Conduct Regular Searches

Don’t assume that everyone who has a complaint about your business is going to come to you directly, or that they will ‘tag’ you in on any complaints they have via social media channels. Instead, conduct regular searches on twitter, Facebook and Instagram to ensure that you’re getting a complete picture of how your customers feel.

3. Review Your Reviews

Sites that are dedicated to reviewing products or services are ideal for getting a good feel for your customer’s needs and expectations and whether or not you are meeting them effectively. Monitor your reviews regularly and try to think of less-than-stellar reviews as an opportunity to improve your products or services.

Remember, few things can derail your business reputation faster than you – or a member of your staff- responding inappropriately to negative feedback in the public sphere. Wherever possible try to resolve issues quickly, fairly, and out of the public eye.

For more information about how you can make the most of online marketing avenues for your business, contact the team at Kwik Kopy today.

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